Physical and mental recovery
You’ll feel weightless and completely relaxed. You won’t break a sweat, you won’t freeze, there’ll be no interruptions. You’re just there, but your senses are sharp.
Book floating spa

Hit the pause button!
The first time you try floating spa, you can try is as a part of a wellness package, which includes a combination of different wellness treatments. You can come on your own or bring a friend.
Wellness PackagesLet me tell you about the benefits of flotation therapy

It helps the body to relax
When you float during floating therapy, all the strain on your muscles, joints and spine disappears. This puts your brain into a state of deep relaxation, which has been shown to reduce stress in the body.

Restitution and better sleep
A 30% Epsom salt solution lets your body float and has an anti-inflammatory effect. A session in a floating spa helps your muscles recover faster and can also provide pain relief.

Boost your mental resilience
The undisturbed floating tank gives the brain the rest it needs. This helps you to focus and concentrate better, which is useful when you need to do your best at work or at home.
Here’s how floating therapy works
During flotation therapy, you’ll lie in a tank with clean, clear water.
The water is at the right temperature for your body and contains 30% Epsom salt. As you lie in the water and float comfortably, you’ll lose the ability to tell where the water stops and where the air begins. The lights are off, the room is quiet, and you’re relaxed. Your brain doesn’t use any energy other than to breathe in and out.
After just a short time, you’ll feel completely balanced in the water. Your muscles and joints open up, and your blood circulation increases. The body focuses all its resources on your physical and mental recovery.
Floating for two
You’ll have a relaxing and comfortable experience in your private room in the Cabin for Two. The water is at a comfortable body temperature and contains 30% Epsom salt.
If you’d rather float with low lighting and calm music, you can do that. But the best way to recover is to float in silence and darkness.
Book floating for 2Why not try our spacious cabins?
The float tanks are produced by Floataway, the world’s largest producer of float tanks, with their corporate headquarters located in England and the USA.
The float tanks are produced by Floataway, the world’s largest producer of float tanks, with their corporate headquarters located in England and the USA.
You’ll have a peaceful and comfortable experience in your private room in the Cabin for One or the Cabin for Two. The water is at a comfortable body temperature and is mixed with 30% Epsom salt. You can float with low lighting and calm music if you prefer, but the best way to recover is to float in silence and darkness.
The Cabin for One is one of the most spacious float tanks in the world, while the Cabin for Two gives you even more space to float in. The Cabin for Two is perfect for couples who want to share the experience with a partner or a friend.
PAUSE recovery studio has been named a Floataway Center of Excellence because we’ve met the high standards for service, physical design, and cleanliness. Since 1999, Floataway has made tanks for over 300 studios in more than 50 countries around the world.
There’s plenty of scientific evidence to show that floating therapy works. Since flotation therapy first started in the 1950s, lots of studies and articles have shown the benefits of using a float tank regularly.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you’re new to floating therapy, you might have some questions
What should I do to get ready?
It’s probably best to avoid using skin and hair products before entering the spa, as these can end up in the water.
It’s probably best to avoid drinking coffee in the hours before the session, as it’s a stimulant that can make it harder for you to achieve the deep state of relaxation your body needs.
The water in the tanks has a very high salt content. Just a heads-up: It’ll sting if you have cuts or scrapes, or if you’ve recently shaved or waxed your skin. There’s Vaseline in the cabin that you can use on small cuts or scrapes.
If you’ve dyed your hair or used a spray tan, it’s best to wait at least a week before floating, as the colour might transfer to the water. If this happens, it’ll cost you, as the tank will need to be taken out of service for at least 24 hours for a deep clean.
How often should I float before I start to see a difference?
It really depends on your situation and how your body responds to flotation, but you should start to feel a difference after just a few sessions.
Some people use flotation therapy to relieve pain or manage stress, while others use it to recover or simply treat themselves in a busy daily life. It’s not common to feel completely relaxed after just one session, as there are lots of new sensations to get used to.
Most people start to notice positive changes after three to five sessions.
What is Epsom salt?
Epsom salt, also known as magnesium sulfate, is a mineral that has been shown to help the body relax completely. It gives your immune system a boost and gets those feel-good endorphins flowing.
When you float in the water, it reduces your adrenaline levels, which helps your body to relax more.

Do you have any other questions?
Not sure what you’re looking for? Just drop us a line and we’ll be happy to help