Recover faster

If you’re physically active, it’s just as important to focus on your recovery as it is on your training. It’s really important to give your muscles and body a chance to rest after you’ve been exercising.

Recovery helps your body get stronger and closer to your training goals.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to fast recovery, but at PAUSE Recovery Studio, we’ve got a few tips on how you can recover faster and more effectively. We’re your local recovery studio and wellness centre in Aarhus.

Pop by PAUSE recovery studio and get your body and mind back to full strength.

Recovery is all about giving your body a rest so it can build up its strength and recover after a hard workout.

How long you need to recover depends on how intense the workout was, among other things. For instance, you need to recover for longer after a tough strength training session than you do after a brisk walk. As a general rule, 12 to 72 hours is enough time for most types of training and exercise.

If you’re looking to speed up your recovery time, we can help. Just come to the PAUSE recovery studio. Our three treatments – floating therapy, recovery boots and infrared sauna – can help speed up the recovery process. The treatments are fantastic for helping you to recover physically and mentally.

Cryotherapy and recovery boots are great for helping you recover faster after running, cycling and triathlons.

They’re also really useful if you do any kind of sport or exercise where you use your legs a lot. As a matter of fact, this treatment can reduce recovery time to just 20 minutes.

Cryo and recovery boots are a popular choice among runners, triathletes and cyclists, but they’re also great for recovery after surgery. The treatment can also help if you’re feeling tired and/or your legs are swollen after a long day at work or a flight.

Infrared sauna and floating therapy are great for muscle recovery

Other ways to ensure a quick recovery include infrared sauna and floating therapy. We also offer two treatments at PAUSE Recovery Studio.

The infrared rays in an infrared sauna warm up your body and muscles, helping them to relax. But the light treatment has a positive effect on mental recovery as well as physical recovery.

Is your body in need of a break and some recovery time? If you’re looking for a noticeable difference, floating therapy could be just what you need. As you float in the salt-saturated water, you’ll feel completely weightless and you won’t have to worry about expending energy on anything other than breathing.